Başvuru Yapan:
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4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.
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Başvuru Yapan:
Tüzel Kişi
4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.
T.C. Kimlik No (*)
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Geri Dönüş Tercihiniz
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İstenilen Bilgi / Belge (*)
(*) Zorunlu alanların doldurulması gerekmektedir.
President Kopuz "I celebrate the “Regaip Kandili” of the whole Islamic World and wish it to be a means to goodness "
(27.02.2020 . 12:56:58) (Okuma: 354)
President of the Istanbul Commodity Exchange Ali Kopuz made a statement regarding the Regaip Kandili. Wishing that the Regaip Kandili, which is the harbinger of the Three Months in his statement, would be a good occasion, Kopuz said, “The months of “Recep, Şaban and Ramadan” are months of opportunity for Muslims. In these holy days when the gates of mercy and blessings are opened to the end, we should pay more attention to worship, and repent and strive for the forgiveness of our sins.
On the other hand, as I have stated at every opportunity, we should not be content with praying for the ending of the suffering, poverty and massacres in the Muslim geography, but we should fight against all these…
With these feelings, I congratulate the “Regaip Kandili” of the whole Islamic world and wish it to be a means to goodness. ”