İstanbul Ticaret Borsası


  • President Ali Kopuz “We use our Resources again for our Members”
Başvuru Yapan: Gerçek Kişi

4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.

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Başvuru Yapan: Tüzel Kişi

4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.

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    President Ali Kopuz “We use our Resources again for our Members”
    (28.04.2020. 10:19:30) (Okuma: 315)

    İSTİB President Ali Kopuz spoke about the "TOBB Respite Credits", which was put into operation for the seventh time in cooperation with TOBB, Credit Guarantee Fund and Denizbank:


    Istanbul Commodity Exchange President Ali Kopuz stated that the TOBB Respite Credits Campaign which was completed under the leadership of the TOBB President Mr. M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. “Our Small and medium sized Enterprises were affected economically from the coronavirus in our country like the whole world.” he said. We also under the leadership of TOBB President Mr. M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu with 365 chambers and exchanges aimed to provide support in these troubled times to our small and medium sized enterprises, which are the most important actors of Turkey's economy, when we experienced the liquidity problem, which occurs with the slowdown of production consumption and trade. As Istanbul Commodity Exchange, we have made a strong contribution to the new “Respite Credits” by allocating our resources to lending our members.” he said.