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4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.
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Başvuru Yapan:
Tüzel Kişi
4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.
T.C. Kimlik No (*)
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Geri Dönüş Tercihiniz
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İstenilen Bilgi / Belge (*)
(*) Zorunlu alanların doldurulması gerekmektedir.
(31.01.2020 . 11:13:25) (Okuma: 276)
While the President of the Istanbul Commodity Exchange Ali Kopuz made evaluations about the statements made by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, “The 'umbrella brand' and brand support, which our Minister gave the good news that this year will be announced, is an important step in providing high added value in agriculture. All supports given in agriculture until today were for the production of the product. This support is for the value of the product to increase. ” he said.
President of the Istanbul Commodity Exchange Ali Kopuz said, “We frequently stressed the importance of the Agricultural Forest Council, the declaration of which was announced by our President Tayyip Erdoğan. Today, a meeting was held on the action plans for the implementation of the recommendations made here, and our Minister Bekir Pakdemirli emphasized that there are 38 action plans in his speech here. All these initiatives are valuable from each other, I hope we will solve the problems of Turkey and will accelerate the development of agriculture, "he said.
Recalling the decisions taken over there that collected from all stakeholders, "Turkey Chambers and Commodity Exchanges under the leadership of President Mr. M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu as the Union Council we have prepared several reports, we convey our demands and suggestions. In the end, the evaluation of all our requests and suggestions made us happy. ” said President Kopuz.
Brand means valuable ...