Başvuru Yapan:
Gerçek Kişi
4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.
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İstenilen Bilgi / Belge (*)
(*) Zorunlu alanların doldurulması gerekmektedir.
Başvuru Yapan:
Tüzel Kişi
4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.
T.C. Kimlik No (*)
Ad Soyad (*)
E-Posta (*)
Telefon (*)
Faks (*)
Geri Dönüş Tercihiniz
Adres (*)
İstenilen Bilgi / Belge (*)
(*) Zorunlu alanların doldurulması gerekmektedir.
İSTİB Board Member Hakkı ismet Aral participated in Bloomberght broadcast
(02.06.2020 . 14:55:50) (Okuma: 252)
Istanbul Commodity Exchange Board Member Hakkı İsmet Aral participated in the Focus program broadcast live on Bloomberght Television which presented by Güzem Yılmaz Ertem.
Stating that the impact of the covid-19 process was not felt much in the %4,5 growth caught in the first quarter, stated that he expects this effect to be seen in the second quarter. Hakkı İsmet Aral stated that he believes that prices will be on track if the foreign currency stays stable even though there are increases in food prices due to high demand in the first period of the epidemic.
Istanbul Commodity Exchange Board Member Hakkı İsmet Aral stated that the pandemic process acclerates the implementation process of the decisions taken at the Agricultural Forest Council, "COVID 19 may be our agricultural milestone."