İstanbul Ticaret Borsası


  • Ali Kopuz "Turkey fights succesfully on both fronts in this Epidemic"
Başvuru Yapan: Gerçek Kişi

4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.

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Başvuru Yapan: Tüzel Kişi

4982 Sayılı Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Kanunu gereğince istediğim bilgi veya belgeler aşağıda belirtilmiştir. Gereğini arz ederim.

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    Ali Kopuz "Turkey fights succesfully on both fronts in this Epidemic"
    (15.05.2020 . 12:30:31) (Okuma: 275)

    President of Istanbul Commodity Exchange Ali Kopuz reminded that the global epidemic threat continues in his speech at the May Assembly meeting. “Since the outbreak started, there is a war on both fronts in our country as well as in the world.” he said. Turkey is fighting successfully on both fronts of the epidemic is getting promising developments, "he said. 


    During the meeting held through video conferencing, İSTİB President Ali Kopuz addressed the members of the Assembly and the Professional Committee: “As you know, we have been doing all our meetings for a while due to the epidemic through video conferencing. It seems that these extraordinary conditions will continue until we find vaccines or treatments.

    As we have often heard lately, this will be our new normal.